
OCP-002: On Eating Like a Hominid, the Perils of Packaged Food & the Secret Li(v)es of Advertisers.

In this episode, Reva goes Wild and explains a new approach to diet with origins 2.5 Million years in the making.

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Reva: [00:00:00] Welcome to Onconscious Podcast.

Reva: [00:00:10] As always, you’re here with Reva and Chris, a couple of ordinary humans fascinated by extraordinary things. Every episode we explore different ways to break free of unconscious programming, to live bigger, bolder, more badass lives. Let’s get onconscious.

Chris: [00:00:30] Hey, Reva, how are you today?

Reva: [00:00:32] Yeah. Oh, good. How was it down under? It’s Saturday for you…and for me. Actually, the days don’t change. *laughs* You cooked some awesome chickpea thai dish didn’t you today?

Chris: [00:00:49] Yeah a bit of a Thai fusion coconut something. Soup, it’s good. Very Thai Coconuty flavors. It’s basically whatever I had left in the fridge went in the pot, but came out pretty good.

Reva: [00:01:07] I hope some beer and all that went in there as well. Hope you had that in the fridge and you decided to, you know, mix it all up and make a boozy Thai chickpea curry *laughs*.

Chris: [00:01:17] I’m trying to turn to de-alcohol a bit at the moment, but I was in Thailand recently. Hence the coconut and Thai soup. Yeah, we OD-ed on the Mai Tais and scotch whisky sours over there, so trying to detoxify from alcohol for a little while.

Reva: [00:01:36] But I’m I’m off alcohol as well. I’ve been off alcohol. You know this, I’ve been off alcohol for a couple of weeks now. I’m actually a little more than that. Actually, it’s a good lead into what we’re talking about today. Obviously, you don’t know the topic, what the topic is. I do know because at least one of us should.

Chris: [00:01:57] That would be.. If’ it’s a mystery to both of us, then it’s not going to be a super interesting show. *laughs*

Reva: [00:02:04] So, yes, surprise. Well, OK. So you know that I’ve been off alcohol. You know, I’ve been doing slightly a bit of a diet shift. I wouldn’t want to call it a diet because I’ve never seen it in diet. Always. I don’t believe in diets. I’m trying to do a bit of an adjustment program. Lifestyle. Yeah. It’s an eating program that I’m trying out recently. You know, I got myself a nutri bullet.

Chris: [00:02:32] Oh, yes. You got your super high power Nutri

Reva: [00:02:35] I did. And this program this show is not sponsored by Nutri Bullet. But then I did ask you if a Nutri would actually chop up apples. And you said no!

Chris: [00:02:47] Yeah, based on my past experience. *laughs*

Reva: [00:02:48] So apparently I got this super powerful nutri-bullet, which chops up, I don’t know, rocks and granite and everything, like frozen kale and frozen spinach. Like everything goes in. Everything like frozen spinach is rock hard isn’t it. Like the whole apple, you know, you got everything – you got to obviously chop them up a little. Well, it doesn’t mind. It doesn’t judge you on your chopping skills.

Chris: [00:03:21] Very non-judgmental device

Reva: [00:03:26] I love it. It’s so nonjudgmental and it’s really quick. And that’s, you know, couple goals. Anyway, so the reason why I got that was because obviously with this new lifestyle program that I’m trying out. I don’t know whether you’ve heard of WildFit.

Chris: [00:03:45] Maybe. Maybe it was that. I think maybe there’s a program on Mindvalley or something a while ago.

Reva: [00:03:53] Yeah, quite recently. So Vishen Lakhiani, who runs Mindvalley, he was in this program a few years ago and he’s been raving about it. And then quite recently, anyone who has subscribed to Mindvalley will keep seeing these pop-ups with, I can’t remember the name of this person. It’s Eric Edmeades.

Chris: [00:04:15] Right. Yeah, it sounds familiar.

Reva: [00:04:17] So Eric says that we have been having a disconnect. Kind of like a genetic gap. So the way we are eating now is nothing, absolutely nothing like how our ancestors used to eat.

Chris: [00:04:33] They didn’t have Maccas in the Paleolithic times?

Reva: [00:04:37] Yeah they did have Snickers and cornflakes and all this stuff, which they shared with the dinosaurs and everything. But apart from that *laughs* Yeah, well, you know you know, you know what I’m getting at? It’s like, you know, we’ve been around for like 2.6 million years. Not humans. Hominins, if you’d like to call us generally and then we were divided into humans, and then you’ve got the Homo erectus and then the whole more blah blah.

Chris: [00:05:05] Erectus…

Reva: [00:05:06] Yeah. Hi, Joey. *laughs* Yeah. So but then, you know, about like 50,000 years ago, humans obviously, you know, started developing this bigger brain. And we started getting scattered around the world. So, in fact, about 2.6 million years ago, if you look at it, when we all started off and sort of the same family in the same lineage, our brains were just a little bit bigger than the chimpanzees. But then something happened. And, you know, our brain started getting bigger cause, you know, we were having more nutritious food. And one of it could actually be attributed to how we started eating better. We started eating things that were available in the seasons. We started having more fats. And then obviously we found fire. So what happened was we started cooking food, which means that, you know, more energy could be spent in our brains rather than actually digesting the food. So if you think about it, that could be the reason why our brains got bigger.

Chris: [00:06:22] Cooked food?

Reva: [00:06:23] Yeah, less energy spent digesting the food. Where does the rest of what did you go? It goes to our brains again and we became smarter. And then, you know, we became humans. So this is actually generally the theory. So I’ve been reading about all of this a few years ago. I’ve also been on the paleo diet. I thought the paleo could actually become my lifestyle because this is obviously the paleolithic or caveman diet, as some would call it, is more high fat and high protein. And this is a way before we actually got into agriculture. So there were no beans, there were no legumes, there were no wheat. And there’s none of those things. We actually survived on meat, pretty much. Yeah, but it didn’t go well with me. I didn’t feel healthy. I felt weighed down. I lost a bit of weight. But then I really felt like, oh, so tired and sleepy all the time.

Chris: [00:07:18] It’s very hard. I think a lot of like a lot of CrossFit do. Paleo and CrossFit kinda goes together. They eat a shit load of meat and fat and then you gotta bust your ass lifting a whole lotta weights.

Reva: [00:07:32] Yeah, you got to do that. And then, of course, there’s a dairy involved. And dairy is ok in paleo. Yeah. So you can have dairy. You can have butter. You can have the ghee, which is actually considered one of the more healthy fats.

Chris: [00:07:47] Like clarified butter isn’t it?

Reva: [00:07:49] Yes it is. So that is ok in paleo. So I had lots of cheese. I had lots of butter, lots of ghee. And then and then after a period of time when I stopped working out, I gained weight. And I didn’t like it.

Chris: [00:08:05] Makes sense. Eating butter and fat and not working out doesn’t sound like a recipe for success in weight loss.

Reva: [00:08:11] Indeed. So how can that be a lifestyle?

Chris: [00:08:17] You got to have both because one is predicated on the other.

Reva: [00:08:21] I’m not somebody who enjoys exercise a lot like you, I go to the gym once in a while, I can do my runs and all that, but I’m not going to those ropes and the crazy CrossFit stuff. No, I’m not going to do that. I need to find something that fits my lifestyle. So then we started working together about three years ago, and then I see that – How is it that this guy eats a lot for lunch. Not particularly fat and all, and I ask you and you said you do Intermittent Fasting, and you’re vegan.

Chris: [00:08:52] Yeah. Yeah. Like borderline vegan. I’m fairly plant-based and borderline vegan. Definitely vegetarian, but I call myself borderline vegan because I do sometimes have a bit of dairy. If it’s in like pastries or some pre-made stuff.

Reva: [00:09:12] Yeah. Which you actually work for you. I think you do have been carrying on with his lifestyle for two or three years now and it fits you perfectly.

Chris: [00:09:21] Yeah, almost four years.

Reva: [00:09:22] Nice. And then I tried being a vegan myself. This is what I do, right? I try to fit like the best way I could live my life and enjoy my food and be healthy and be energetic. So then, I mean, I’ve been vegan for about two to three years. I don’t. I do at dairy once in a while, maybe once in three months or something, I do add a bit of eggs so you could call me a flexitarian. And then quite recently when I started..

Chris: [00:09:48] *laughs* That’s not a thing! You just made that up.

Reva: [00:09:53] Oh, my goodness. It is. It really is. I mean, anything could be a thing now.

Chris: [00:09:59] So sorry Flexitarians. I didn’t know you existed, but now I did do. Welcome. Welcome to our podcast.

Reva: [00:10:09] So as of recently, when I when I obviously started reading about Eric Edmeades and I got into a WildFit, I have to admit that I did not sign up for the cause. But what I did was lots of research. I locked myself in my house and for two days I researched and I searched the Internet. And then a few people who had actually done, actually lots of people have been on the WildFit program and some of these people have started blogging about it. So then I started collecting information from these blogs and then I started writing. And I kind of like I think I have figured out the program. I’m not obviously going to burst a bubble and explain the program right here on the show. But what I am going to do is actually say that, WilfFit, it is all about mostly about seasonal eating. So there are four seasons involved, not that you live in.

Chris: [00:11:02] Not if you live in Melbourne, there are about 25 seasons in Melbourne.

Reva: [00:11:04] Not in Dubai as well. But we have to remember that at the end of the day, you know, we all started from one part of the world. And back then there were four seasons in the African continent. So right now, we are super lucky we have avocado throughout the year. We have, you know, pumpkins throughout the year. We have oranges all the time, strawberries.  It’s not supposed to be the case, so because, you know, during the winter, you’re supposed to have lots more roots, root vegetables and drink the summer, you got different kinds of vegetables. It’s going to produce actually varies by seasons. It doesn’t anymore. All of us keep eating anything we want.

Chris: [00:11:56] Yeah, true. Yes. We got open markets now and we import everything. So we have access to everything all the time. But the idea that that’s not good for you. Well, that’s not the ideal condition for your body. If you’re eating things that aren’t, you shouldn’t be eating because it’s not generally available in that season.

Reva: [00:12:15] Correct. And what Wildfit actually does is trains you to eat as per season. So during the winter, you’re going to literally start taking in more good fats, more protein and certain vegetables that would be available. Oh, sorry, that was. Did you hear that? That was my dog. He just got scared by his own reflection.

Chris: [00:12:42] He wants to do his makeup.

Reva: [00:12:45] Yeah he has to. It’s Saturday, he’s going out. All right, bye bye Noah, have a nice time. Good boy. Alright don’t bring that girl home. *laughs* So so it’s all about getting the right vegetables that are available in the local produce that’s available as per the season, right?

Chris: [00:13:02] Sounds simple enough.

Reva: [00:13:04] So I’m on now week six of this diet program now. So I completely removed sugar from what I’m eating. I’ve never smoked, so that’s fine. Nothing processed completely off dairy. Completely off alcohol.

Chris: [00:13:24] I think processed is probably hard for a lot of people.

Reva: [00:13:27] In fact there are sixty-one, names of sugar. Can you believe it? That sugar is hidden in Various names.

Chris: [00:13:40] There are those sucrose and sucralose.

Reva: [00:13:44] Exactly. So you kind of like not many people – there’s glucose, sucrose is now too, maltose, fructose. I mean, as an all sorts of things. And nobody actually looks behind the wrappers of the protein bars. Not many people.

Chris: [00:14:00] I mean, it’s full of so much sugar. Heaps of sugar. If you’re buying it if you’re buying something that’s in a wrapper. It’s pretty much full of sugar.

Chris: [00:14:10] Correct. If it’s wrapped up, then it’s something that’s most probably processed. So none of that processed crap goes inside me. And what I am doing instead is I’m in the winter phase. So I have to uptake my protein. I have to uptake my healthy fats, but I’m not overdoing it. It’s not like a keto diet where there’s lots of fats and then medium protein and then low. No, it’s not like that. It’s just, you know, just naturally good or organic meat or organic. I love seafood. So I’m getting salmon inside me. I’m getting prawns inside me. And then vegetables that are ideally available during the winter seasons. I’m researching these and then I’m eating lots of vegetables. That makes me feel very satisfied. Makes me feel good.

Chris: [00:15:03] So it’s quite a balanced approach, your macros are covered.

Reva: [00:15:06] Yeah, it is. And in the mornings, I’d start off my day with an empty stomach. I drink lots of water. And then following that, what I do is I drink this smoothie. It’s a green smoothie, or Alkagizer, as they would call it in the WildFit Program. And it’s a mix of everything green.

Chris: [00:15:27] So this is where the apples come in. I get it. So this magic juice.

Reva: [00:15:33] The thing is, during spring and summer, apples are okay. But then in winter, you don’t get apples. So no apples go inside the Alkagizer.

Chris: [00:15:45] But aren’t you in winter?

Reva: [00:15:46] I am in winter

Chris: [00:15:46] And you say you don’t get apples in winter.

Reva: [00:15:49] So, yeah, this week I haven’t been having apples.

Chris: [00:15:53] You started the whole thing with apples. You were saying you were blending applies.

Reva: [00:15:56] Correct. So last week I had apples. Okay. So now I’m in winter. So I removed apples as well. No fruits for me.

Chris: [00:16:08] No fruit at all.

Reva: [00:16:09] No fruit at all. No sweet fruits. If at all. they’re going to be berries. So it’s gonna be kale, spinach, cucumbers, celery. And then jalapenos, to spice it up a little bit. A little bit of a lime juice and you’ve got collard greens. So a good bunch of stuff goes into that. So I drink that and then later on. I have a very good unprocessed protein meal and sometimes I even skip dinner because that meal makes me feel full. So I get to do a bit intermittent fasting as well. So I’ve not stopped that. And guess why? Within the past couple of weeks, I have not measured myself. But then definitely my trousers, my jeans fit better. What’s good. And I can see that I look much leaner and I have not been to a working out except for my brisk walks in a couple of runs a week, maybe a couple of sessions at the gym doing some light weights, but that’s about it. So it’s interesting when you have a huge impact, especially when you start removing processed food.

Chris: [00:17:24] And so it sounds like a very, very logical thing to do to get rid of all the shit and focus on good healthy options. More natural food.

Reva: [00:17:33] Is but it’s hard, isn’t it? Processed food. I was having a discussion. So, you know, I work in advertising and I do not want to name the client. But I’ve got a cereal brand that I was working on and they had a big struggle. You know, people are not eating cereal as much anymore, at least in this region, because this is a habit of gathering a breakfast table and having breakfast, you know, spending time eating breakfast at home. It’s not happening anymore because people are always on the move or always rushing to because they are busy and they want something on the go. So what if they could actually carry the cereal bowl and sit in the car and hanging around their necks then have it? Well, that’s a possibility. But then the other possibility is actually.

Chris: [00:18:21] There’s enough accidents in Dubai, so people don’t have to spoon feed themselves.

Reva: [00:18:30] I mean, it’s like technology and 2020 and everything. I’m sure somebody has invented that. You’ve got to go to 9gag and look for it, but there’s another way. How do you do it? Get rid of cereals or the cereal boxes. What you do is you turn them into cereal bars. Yeah. Which people absolutely love.

Chris: [00:18:47] Yeah fill it with a bunch of stuff and fillers and emulsifiers and all the bullshit that goes into processed foods.

Reva: [00:18:56] And E numbers, exactly. Anyway, we know cereals its just sugar. So what they do is they get the corn which just well supposed healthy relatively and then they kind of like flatten it out, remove all the nutrients, remove all the vitamins and everything from it because – they remove the oil, remove everything. And that’s the only way you’re going to, you know, increase the shelf life.  You take all the good stuff out so as to increase the shelf life. And then what happens is it ends up tasting like cardboard. So nobody’s going eat it, so what do you do then? Then you got to add some flavor, you’re going to add lots and lots of sugar in it, and then you’re going to be like, oh, yeah. But then what do we do to balance the sugar? You add a lot of salt in it and then you know, now we got to pass all the tests in the government, there’s no vitamins inside, and then you add all the folic and the iron and everything inside. What do you put on the box? Like people like me. What do we put on the box?

Chris: [00:20:03] Natural, organic from the earth. Sugar-free. Fat-free. Gluten-free…

Reva: [00:20:11] Exactly. Then you put added-vitamins.

Chris: [00:20:14] All the nutritional benefits of vitamins.

Reva: [00:20:16] Fortified. We love the word. People thing Oh, my God. Corn is healthy and now they’ve add more healthy! You feed it to the kids. The thing about sugar is you have sugar and then it makes you want to have more and more.

Chris: [00:20:37] Your insulin massively rises and then you need more to spike it again. You get into that cycle of massive dependency on spiking insulin. I don’t need a lot of sugar. To be fair. But probably the occasional protein bar or something like that. But I do try to avoid it because you know how much rubbish is in that stuff.

Reva: [00:21:02] There is a lot of rubbish. And what really sucks is, you know, from where I come from, Singapore, Malaysia. That part of the world. Milo is like super famous to drink. Does Australia have Milo as well?

Chris: [00:21:18] We invented Milo yo!.

Reva: [00:21:19] You guys invent?! What? Why would you guys do that?

Chris: [00:21:29] Yeah. Milo and Nutella. Our gift to the world.

Reva: [00:21:33] This is how you spend your time down. Under. I mean, this is insane.

Chris: [00:21:37] Yeah. Diabetes for everyone. You get diabetes! You get diabetes!

Reva: [00:21:42] When I was a kid, they would make me run, and I was obese, like a really obese kid. I am petite. As I’d like to call myself to. *laughs* But at the time – I tell you what, I’m less than one hundred and fifty cm right? Less than five feet. And I was I was it was a good 70 kilos man. That’s a lot of weight for a lot.

Chris: [00:22:11] That’s a lot of weight on that frame.

Reva: [00:22:14] Yeah and when I was younger, I was even shorter. So that’s a lot of weight to be carrying around. And Singapore is a pretty active city in terms of what do in schools and all that. They would make us run and do the 5K cross-country and everything. But what do we get after we accomplish that 5k run? No prizes for guessing.

Chris: [00:22:37] Mars Bar?

Reva: [00:22:38] Similar actually big could very well have given us Mars bar because what you be at the end of the finish line after the cross-country, was the Milo truck, free flow of Milos, free flow of Milo and all the kids would be running towards it because this trucks would be green and they know there’ll be like pictures of sportspeople on it and kids looking healthy and all that. What do we end up? We end up at obese kids and they’re like, what is it? What’s going on? And it’s like fucking Milo man!

Chris: [00:23:06] But they’re running, they’re healthy. They exercise and then drink 3 kilos of Milo.

Reva: [00:23:13] Just insane. Tons and tons of sugar. So I really feel that some somehow we need to get conscious about eating. Because last week you were talking about breathing. On our last episode. And it makes too much of sense.

Chris: [00:23:31] Exactly. Exactly. Conscious eating – so many people unconsciously, they don’t think about a look at what they’re eating. Nobody looks at the wrapper, Just stuff it in your face and then wonder why you got all these health conditions and stress and all the stuff that comes from eating bad food.

Reva: [00:23:51] Which is really simple. So that’s why I wanted to share today. And of course, on our show notes, I have got some information there about seasonal eating. I’ve got some charts up there that could help people because of linked up. I haven’t ever made any use, but I’ve linked to some great sites that actually feature foods that may be good for the season depending on where you live. And I’ve also got some information about just a high carbohydrate food. What can you avoid generally, replacements and stuff like this. Those things are all on our show notes and on our website as well.

Chris: [00:24:30] So I’ve got a question. So as a wrap up? What’s the best thing about this what’s the worst thing. Well, if someone was going to do what will they expect – some of the challenges and some of the benefits?

Reva: [00:24:47] Ok. So I got to say that this is not a diet and this doesn’t mean that, oh, I’m going, you know, stay away from alcohol for the rest of my life. No. This s not how this works. This is basically kind of like a reset program. You go in and it makes you actually be very, very conscious about what you’re eating when you’re eating. A huge part about this program is actually listening to your inner dialogue about why you are eating. So when you feel hungry, you’re often like – you actually could have a little bit of a journal and start low. I get I feel hungry every time after a meeting or I feel hungry at 11:00 p.m. in the night. So is it really hunger? Because you know what? It actually is a very good question that you have asked because all the time that we think we are hungry. A lot of times you’re not really hungry. Do you know that? Because.

Chris: [00:25:43] Yes. Dehydration or I would guess up there’s emotions. A lot of people have emotions tied to eating it.

Reva: [00:25:49] There’s a lot of – there’s this actually Eric has from WildFit. He has listed down six types of hunger. So the first type of hunger is really hunger. When your body really needs refueling and you’re hungry. But then the second time it’s the type of hunger is when you’re actually thirsty. So sometimes very hungry, you can actually have some water and go for it, walk, hydrate yourself, you know. And then the third type of hunger you’re actually hungry for variety for food because you’re eating the same damn type of food all the time. So your body really needs extra nutrition. So that’s what it’s telling you. It’s not go into the refrigerator. Get yourself a Mars bar because you’re different when you’re hungry. No, it’s not that.

Chris: [00:26:32] Well, it’s a Snickers campaign, but yeah, it’s fine. We’re not sponsored by any of these companies.

Reva: [00:26:32] *laughs* Yeah, it’s fine, it’s fine. And definitely not by Milo. Yeah. And it could also be, as you say, emotional hunger. So you feel if you’re lonely and then you reach out for that Ben and Jerry’s or buy chocolate, and then what happens after you eat that chocolate? You still feel lonely.

Chris: [00:27:03] Guilt and shame

Reva: [00:27:03] And you still feel lonely? So, you know, examining dialogue, be a bit conscious, you behind, if you’re buying packaged stuff. If you’re buying packaged stuff. Just turn it around and look at what’s actually in there. Even if you’re buying coconut water, a lot of coconut water isn’t just coconut water, it’s like 50 per cent sugar and 50 per cent coconut flavouring. So that’s why getting your money.

Chris: [00:27:29] Yeah it’s subtleties between something that’s a water and something that’s a juice or something that’s from concentrate versus something that’s you know, there’s so many – we’re both in marketing. That’s how we met, we’re both in advertising. So I’m sure we’ve both been guilty.

Reva: [00:27:47] We are both in the business of lying to people. Don’t trust us. Don’t listen to this podcast. *laughs*

Chris: [00:27:58] *laughs* We know, we’ve both been in that side of things, you work with brands and you do have to kind of make shit up to make people buy stuff, then know you call something we have fortified with blah, blah, blah. And it’s only because you have to because you’ve stripped all the good stuff. It’s crazy what we do to people. Sorry, people.

Reva: [00:28:25] That’s what we do for money.

Chris: [00:28:25] That’s why we’re trying to get a podcast. You know, if Milos sponsored this, then we wouldn’t have to work in advertising anymore. That’s why we’re doing this,

Reva: [00:28:33] To cleanse our souls, to redeem ourselves.

Chris: [00:28:35] Trying to recover from our sins in past lives, by putting good out into the world and telling people to eat better. Don’t listen to us. I mean, we know what goes on. So just be mindful. Be conscious of what you’re putting into your body, cause it can have devastating effects. Really.

Reva: [00:28:53] At the end of the day, if you don’t really care about any of this and you’re going to keep chucking down like five burgers a day and process food and all that. I mean, that’s on you, obviously, but I’m not even going to stop talking about the impact on the environment. It’s just it’s not us. We’re not to have this kind of food. So if you’re going to talk about, oh, that’s freedom, you know, I want to just be free. I want to eat my pizza whenever I want to. But that’s great. If you think that’s freedom, I tell you what, can you actually survive without that pizza? No, you can’t, because that’s what’s holding you captive. The sugar, the taste, those fats. Bad fats. So, you know, actually, you know, there’s no freedom there. You’re actually a prisoner to all these bad food. So why? Doesn’t make any sense?

Chris: [00:29:40] Wow. Controversial enter the podcast Reva. Get in the comment people! Get in those comments and fireback. But I think I think you’re absolutely right. We get held prisoner by the choices we make. And a lot of the time we are not aware of the choices that we’re making because we’re not conscious about it. We just unconsciously do what we’re told or what we hear on the Internet or what we see on TV and advertising. And we just follow suit and we don’t ask questions. And that’s where we end up leaving unconscious lies. And that’s what Reva and I are here for, to try and make you think things through a little and ask why and get a little bit more conscious about the choices that you’re making. If you want to live, better, go for it. If you don’t, don’t listen to our next episode. We’re fine with that.

Reva: [00:30:32] Stop listening to us. Anyway. Thank you so much for joining us once again, guys. And as I told you, just check out your show notes, our Instagram, Facebook, social media pages. You can chat with us, ask us more questions if you got anything. And they do go to our Web site as well. It’s Onconsciouspodcast.com

Chris: [00:30:50] And don’t forget to like subscribe and all that good stuff so we can keep our show on the air and, yeah, keep going and bringing you more juicy stuff like we did in today’s episode. Thanks, Reva. That was a very interesting chat.

Reva: [00:31:04] Thank you. Thank you, Chris. See you guys next week.

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